Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Farmer's Daughter: An Enterprising Young Man

The Farmer's Daughter
Season 1, Episode 4: An Enterprising Young Man
Originally aired October 11, 1963

General Todd (Walter Abel) and Lieutenant Tenner (Gilligan Island's Bob Denver) are staying at the Morley household to reminisce about the old days when Congressman Morley served as a Colonel. The general is in town to testify about secret military legal matters.

Steven has started the Future Pioneers of Outer Space Social Athletic Club with his friends at school and is working on the club's constitution. General Todd advises Steven in his creation of the constitution and invites Katy to be in on the conversation, but Katy quickly begins to argue with the General.

General: The leader is more important than document.
Katy: If there's a good document, people can throw out bad leadership.
General: If leadership can be thrown out, it is not leadership.
Katy: Wrong! Leaders must answer to people, not people to leaders.

The general grows angry after having his authority questioned in front of Steven and storms out of the room. Soon everyone notices that the general doesn't look well and he is diagnosed with Measles.

The Morley boys admire General Todd and go marching around the house stating that people should never question their leader. Katy confronts General Todd about teaching the boys how to be "tyrants" and when he tries to order her around, the always upfront Katy responds:

You do not order me!

Congressman Morley tells Katy that General Todd has changed since he once knew him and that he's disappointed in the general. Lieutenant Tenner informs them that General Todd is not in DC to testify in a case, but is actually there for disciplinary action. Tenner explains that all of General Todd's angry, autocratic behavior stems from a rift with his only son whom he loves very much.

As he's getting ready to take his oath as president of the Future Pioneers of Outer Space Social Athletic Club, Steven says that his friends will just have to accept his rule. This speech doesn't go over well with his buddies and Steven is impeached before his presidency truly begins. After realizing the error of his ways, General Todd tells Steven:

Keep growing the right way...go back to your club members and apologize...Say you're sorry. I'm sorry. Son, no man is an authority to himself. He has to answer to someone. Always.

Production Notes

In Eddie Foy, III's Day Out of Days Schedules, An Enterprising Young Man is listed as Production # 3809 and the report was typed on July 19, 1963.
Schedule Days: 4
Producer: Peter Kortner
Director: William Russell
Associate Director: Herb Wallerstein

The cast rehearsed on July 23rd and filmed July 24th through July 26th. The character list for the shoot includes Katy, Glen, Cooper, Steve, Danny, Todd, Tenner, and Major Stark (played by Gilbert Green, who was the only cast member needed for just one day's shoot .)

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